Second Session of the 38th Congress of the Transnational Radical Party

"Globalise democracy and freedom"
Oppressed people of the world unite…

Tirana, 31 October - 3 November 2002

Brussels, 2 October 2002

Dear friend,

in accordance with the decision taken at the end of the Geneva Congress last spring, the Transnational Radical Party will hold the second session of its 38th Congress in Tirana from 31 October to 3 November 2002.

The agenda will focus on the issues that were discussed in Geneva, in particular the question of the globalisation of democracy and the objective of the creation of a world organisation of democracy, or of democracies, and consequently the choice of the concrete political objectives which will become our priority initiatives.

We are currently in the process of drawing up a series of congress documents, or proposals, as well as draft versions of motions which we will send to you in the next few days, in the hope that they will constitute useful starting points for our debate in Tirana.

We hope very much that you will be able to take part in the Congress, and look forward to seeing you

Yours sincerely,

Marco Pannella
(President coordinator)

For further information:
Martin Schulthes: - tel. +32-2-284.71.98
Matteo Mecacci: - tél. +32-2-284.31.81 cell: +39 347 9682837